Canada Will Receive More Than One Million New Residents!!

Article: The requirements to migrate to Canada and the most requested jobs, Diario el Colombiano, JUAN DIEGO QUICENO MESA | PUBLISHED ON JANUARY 16th, 2019.
Canada is one of the richest nations in the world, it is part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the G8, and it has one of the best qualities of life on the planet.  

The Canadian Government announced in recent weeks its willingness to admit more than one million new residents in its country over the next three years.
Find out in this post the requirements to travel to Canada and the most requested jobs.


1-      In the first place, and before even analysing the job offer, you must prove 100% use of English or French. In Canada both languages are spoken and for the government it is essential that migrants have a complete master of the language, so that their adaptation to society is, in that sense, easy and fast.

2-      In addition to this, and since one of the objectives of the Canadian authorities is to improve the capacity of its labour market, you must certify a level of technical or professional training and work experience in any of the professions or trades included in the National Classification of Occupations (NOC).

3-      There you will find there are three categories of profession and / or trade: level O, which includes management jobs, as managers and administrators; level A, which refers to professional workers who must accredit their training with professional title and then process a license to practice their profession with the regulatory body of the province where they want to establish; and level B, which describes qualified technicians and operators.



The most required professions and trades.


Regarding the technical profiles, the most requested have to do with the sectors of construction, sales, banking, finance and real estate. Qualified machinery operators, commercial and financial managers, human resources managers and manufacturing managers; these are some of the occupations that are requested the more.

In the area of health there is also a high possibility of employment. Nurses, doctors, nursing assistants, medical equipment technologists, physiotherapists, technicians in psychology and general medical care are needed.


For more information, visit the complete news:


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